Course curriculum

  • 1
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    Case Study Example of Successful Planning

    • Warning and Disclaimer

    • Introduction; Summary; Some Key Documents

    • Exhibit 1 Summary of Planning, Budgeting, and Scheduling Tools and Techniques Used

    • Exhibit 2 Further Details for the Set-Up of the Planning, Budgeting, and Scheduling Document

    • Results; Other Examples; Recap/Summary; Conclusions

  • 3

    Course Structure and Outline - Chapter Topics and Lesson Topics

    • Exhibit 3 Course Structure and Outline – Chapter Topics

    • Exhibit 4 Course Structure and Outline – Lesson Topics

  • 4

    Weekly Learning Activities

    • Weekly Schedule for the Course

    • General Questions to Answer for Each Lesson Topic

  • 5

    Plan - A. What Do You Want and Why?

    • Plan - A. What Do You Want and Why? Lesson 1

    • Plan - A. What Do You Want and Why? Lesson 2

    • Plan - A. What Do You Want and Why? Lesson 3

    • Plan - A. What Do You Want and Why? Lesson 4, Exhibit 5, An Illustration of Project Steps and Standards

  • 6

    Plan - B. Can You Really Do It?

    • Plan - B. Can You Really Do It? Lesson 1

    • Plan - B. Can You Really Do It? Lesson 2

    • Plan - B. Can You Really Do It? Lesson 3, Exhibit 6, Determination of Available Hours For a Project.

    • Plan - B. Can You Really Do It? Lesson 4, Exhibit 7, Allocation of Projects to Team Members.

    • Plan B. Can You Really Do It? Lesson 5, Exhibit 8, Allocation of Staff to a Project

    • Plan - B. Can You Really Do It? Lesson 6

  • 7

    Plan - C. Planning and Scheduling Tools That Can Work.

    • Plan - C. Planning and Scheduling Tools That Can Work. Lesson 1

    • Plan - C. Planning and Scheduling Tools That Can Work. Lesson 2, Exhibit 9, Example of the Time Budget for a Project.

    • Plan - C. Planning and Scheduling Tools That Can Work. Lesson 3, Exhibit 10, Adjusting Budgeted Time for Complexity

    • Plan - C. Planning and Scheduling Tools That Can Work. Lesson 4

    • Plan - C. Planning and Scheduling Tools That Can Work. Exhibit 11, Lesson 5, Schedule for Performing the Key Activities for a Service Engagement

    • Plan - C. Planning and Scheduling Tools That Can Work. Lesson 6

    • Plan -C. Planning and Scheduling Tools That Can Work. Lesson 7, Exhibit 12, Sample Diary or Journal Format.

  • 8

    Perform - D. Will You Consistently Take Action?

    • Perform - D. Will You Consistently Take Action? Lesson 1

    • Perform - D. Will You Consistently Take Action? Lesson 2

    • Perform - D. Will You Consistently Take Action? Lesson 3, Exhibit 13, Sample of the Documentation Prepared for a Service Engagement

  • 9

    Perform - E. Bringing Out Your Best Efforts

    • Perform - E. Bringing Out Your Best Efforts. Lesson 1

    • Perform - E. Bringing Out Your Best Efforts. Lesson 2

    • Perform - E. Bringing Out Your Best Efforts. Lesson 3, Exhibit 14, Sample Weekly Work Schedule for Project Hours

    • Perform - E. Bringing Out Your Best Efforts. Lesson 4

    • Perform - E. Bringing Out Your Best Efforts. Lesson 5

  • 10

    Perform - F. Tracking Results and Course Correction

    • Perform - F. Tracking Results and Course Correction. Lesson 1

    • Perform - F. Tracking Results and Course Correction. Lesson 2

    • Perform - F. Tracking Results and Course Correction. Lesson 3

    • Perform - F. Tracking Results and Course Correction. Lesson 4

  • 11

    Perform - G. Working Effectively With Others

    • Perform - G. Working Effectively With Others. Lesson 1.

    • Perform - G. Working Effectively With Others. Lesson 2.

    • Perform - G. Working Effectively With Others. Lesson 3.

    • Perform - G. Working Effectively With Others. Lesson 4.

    • Perform - G. Working Effectively With Others. Lesson 5.

  • 12

    Complete - H. How to Finish Well.

    • Complete - H. How to Finish Well. Lesson 1.

    • Complete - H. How to Finish Well. Lesson 2.

    • Complete - H. How to Finish Well. Lesson 3.

  • 13

    Complete - I. Expand Your Future Opportunities.

    • Complete - I. Expand Your Future Opportunities. Lesson 1.

    • Complete - I. Expand Your Future Opportunities. Lesson 2.

  • 14

    Additional Help - J. Technology Tools to Consider

    • Additional Help - J. Technology Tools to Consider. Lesson 1.

  • 15

    Additional Help - K. Get Help and Inspiration from Examples of Success

    • Additional Help - K. Get Help and Inspiration from Examples of Success. Lesson 1.

  • 16

    Wrap-up - L. Course Recap and Course Completion Celebration

    • Wrap-up - L. Course Recap and Course Completion Celebration. Lesson 1.

    • Wrap-up - L. Course Recap and Course Completion Celebration. Lesson 2.

    • Course Completion Survey. Before you go, let us know how the course Peter D's Planning and Productivity Course helped you.